North American Martyrs Monthly Church Cleaning


To once a month thoroughly clean the church and greeting areas within the church.

There are 4 church cleaning crews composed of both men and women of our parish; each crew cleans every fourth month on usually the fourth Saturday of that month.


Each crew cleans the church sanctuary, narthex, chapel, choir loft, and family room on the Saturday of their designated month. Anyone wishing to help clean may call the crew leader and join the crew that best fits their schedule. It usually takes about an hour and a half to clean each month.

Additional Information

We have approximately 100 members who help clean the church – 25 each month.

We welcome any amount of help whether that is on a month-by-month basis or an annual commitment to a specific crew.

Hours spent cleaning count towards volunteer hours for parents with children at NAM School or for Pius X students who need service hours.

Please call the Parish Office at 402-476-8088 ext. 5 with questions.

2020-21  Church Cleaning Schedule