2nd Sunday of Lent

March 16, 2025

1st Sunday of Lent

March 9, 2025

Ash Wednesday

March 5, 2025

Our Mission & Vision

To receive and accompany each person in their journey of relationship, identity, and mission with Jesus Christ.

At Martyrs you are welcome. You are welcome to join in our community. You are welcome to come learn and serve with us. And, most importantly, you are welcome to come pray and worship with us.


North American Martyrs Mass Times

Saturday 5 pm

Sunday 7 am, 8 am, 9:30 am & 11 am

6:40 am & 8:10 am
Saturday: 9:00 am

Mass is live streamed Monday-Friday and on Sundays on Facebook (group is North American Martyrs Church) and is posted on our website directly after mass.


North American Martyrs Confession Times

  Saturday: 4:00—4:40 pm and after the 5:00 pm Mass until finished

Weekdays: 15 minutes before each weekday Mass


North American Martyrs Weddings and Baptisms

Have a little one to be baptized or an older child to be confirmed? Congrats! Call or stop by the parish office to get everything set up.

Getting married? Fantastic! Call or stop by the parish office to check on available dates and to get started with marriage prep.

For information about adult baptisms and confirmation, check out the adult faith formation page for more info.

Upcoming Parish Events

Fish Fry

Every Friday During Lent| 4:30-7:30PM| Parish Hall

Join us every Friday during Lent for NAM’s Fish Fry!

4:30-7:30PM in the Parish Hall
Fried Pollock, Baked Tilapia, Mac & Cheese, Spaghetti, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Pickles, Bread, Lemonade, Coffee & Tea (menu subject to change based on supply) *Desserts, Beer, Wine, and Pop

See you there!

Trivia Night

March 15th | 6:30PM | Parish Hall

Join us for our 8th annual Trivia Night!

Trivia teams…..come on down!

Please join us for a night of fun with trivia, games and lots of prizes. Get your team of 6-8 people together. Doors Open at 6pm and trivia starts at 6:30pm. As always there will be a prize for best dressed table – it is always so fun to see what creative themes everyone comes up with however you don’t need to dress up just come as you are. Registration is $20 per person – Register EARLY and save $5 per registration.

Register here: https://trivia-night-2025-north-american-martyrs.pushpayevents.com/booking/attendees/new

Boys leadership camp

July 6-12 | Camp Kateri | McCool Junction, NE

“Leadership Camp is for boys entering 6th grade thru 9th grade. This summer it is being held from July 6-12.  Signup opens at 6 pm on Jan. 22 and fills up fast.  This is a good opportunity to form boys in our faith.

Register here: https://www.catholicleadershipcamp.com/registration

Father Nathan Hall
Father Nathan Hall


Father Matthew Kovar
Father Liam O’Shea-Creal

Assistant Pastor

Father Matthew Kovar
Father Matthew Kovar

Priest in Residence

Elizabeth Fairbanks
Elizabeth Fairbanks

School Principal