Community is an essential component of the Christian life. Jesus had a close community of disciples, the early Christians would meet in each other’s homes, and throughout history the old adage has proven true: “saints come in clusters.” Since Martyrs is blessed with such a large number of wonderful parishioners and guests, it can be a little difficult to form community. This is why we’ve created a new small group initiative. Here we can help you find a group that’s in your area and that fits your schedule and interests.

What to expect

Each group has its own unique character. Some are short term whereas others are long term. Some get together weekly and others less frequently. Some focus on studying the Bible or an inspiring work of fiction while others focus on prayer and fellowship.

But no matter what shape a group might take, each group is made up of disciples of Jesus seeking to learn and grow with others. It’s really as simple as that. You may all become great friends or you may just get along. You may have a life-changing experience or you may simply have to force yourself to go each week. The same fruit can be enjoyed no matter how extraordinary or mundane your group may seem. This fruit can be sliced – so to speak – into four pieces: connection, learning, change, and mission.


Meet others who want to grow in their faith. Learn, pray, eat, share, and laugh together as you support each other in the Christian life.



Whether your group is working through a study program or simply sharing experiences, you should come out with a deeper knowledge of Christ and his teachings.


There is no standing still in the Christian life. You are either progressing or regressing. Members of your group should appropriately challenge and support you to progress.


Groups are not simply about getting together with friends. They should help you discern your gifts and how you can put them to use in the Church and community. 

Interested in becoming a small group leader?

Thank you for considering being a small group leader! Being a small group leader is a fantastic way to serve the church. It takes a fair amount of commitment and work but it’s definitely worth it. If you’re interested, apply below. Or contact the parish office with any questions.

No group available that would work for you?

Please, let us know by filling out the form below! We’ll do our best to get another group set up for you.