Be formed and serve
Join a small group
Whether you’re looking to dive into Scripture, form community, laugh over a bottle of wine, or enjoy good conversation, joining one of these small groups is the way to go. Many groups meet at a parishioner’s home where they eat, pray, talk, and study together. Many also do service for the church and the broader community.

Learn more about the faith
RCIA involves weekly classes with a welcoming group of people, field trips, and great discussions. It’s perfect for those interested in becoming Catholic as well as those who simply want to learn more. All are welcome to attend any or all of the classes and events.
Seeking Truth Bible Study
If you want to dive deeper into Scripture, Seeking Truth is for you. The group meets weekly and spends the school year studying one book or theme in the Bible. The cost is free unless you want to purchase the workbook which accompanies the class. The cost of the workbook is about $20.
Martyrs Speaker Series
Each month, Martyrs hosts a speaker to present a lecture on a different topic. The speakers for 2022-2023 include Drs. Matthew Ramage of Benedictine College and James Prothro of The Augustine Institute.
Serve others
In the Church
Do you like doing landscaping, hospitality, teaching, or reading at Mass? There are plenty of ways of help out at Martyrs and we’d love to have you.
In the Community
“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” (Mt 25:35)
Find support in difficult times
The Grief Support Group at Martyrs is here to help you, whether you have lost a spouse, child, parent, or other loved one. This group meets on the fourth Monday of each month in the Kateri Room.
Contact Pat Enevoldsen for more information:
402-470-3529 |