Martyrs Men

Men are also invited to study “The Mass by Bishop Barron” with Martyrs Men on Saturday mornings at 7:30 am in the Parish Hall. Coffee and donuts will be ready! […]

Seeking Truth Bible Study

Seeking Truth Bible Study will study the book of Genesis this year.  Sharon Doran will lead us via video through the chapters and take us deeper into our faith knowledge […]

Seeking Truth Bible Study Thursdays

Seeking Truth Bible Study will study the book of Genesis this year.  Sharon Doran will lead us via video through the chapters and take us deeper into our faith knowledge […]

Seeking Truth Bible Study

Seeking Truth Bible Study will study the book of Genesis this year.  Sharon Doran will lead us via video through the chapters and take us deeper into our faith knowledge […]

Seeking Truth Bible Study Thursdays

Seeking Truth Bible Study will study the book of Genesis this year.  Sharon Doran will lead us via video through the chapters and take us deeper into our faith knowledge […]