Church Cleaning
Church Cleaning– Want to give back to the Parish? Consider signing up to be a leader for the Gabriel Lalemant Group cleaning crew. The Gabriel Lalemant Group meets three times a year on the third Saturday of their designated month. If you are interested please contact Tamra Tran in the Parish office at 402-476-8088 or […]
Ice Hockey Game
Ice Hockey Game for High School and Middle School is Saturday, January 8 at 7:05 p.m. at the Ice Box, Lincoln Stars vs Sioux Falls, SD. Parents and chaperones needed. We have 40 tickets available.
Taking Down Christmas Decorations
Volunteers are needed after the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, January 9th, to remove the Christmas decorations in the Church. Please help if you can.
Door to Door
Door to Door: Jesus sent out his disciples in pairs to visit the people of God. On Sunday, January 9th from 2-4 p.m., the Evangelization team members and anyone who would like to join, will visit some homes as an outreach to people in our area. Please pray for this ministry and welcome them if […]