We’re In This Together Boys Town Social Skill: Asking for help (Oct. 21 – 25) Look at the person Ask the person if he or she has time to help you Clearly explain the kind of help that you need Thank the person for helping Virtue: Circumspection (Oct. 21 –...
We’re In This Together Boys Town Social Skill: Accepting defeat/loss (Oct. 15 – 18) look at the person or members of the team who won remain calm and positive say “good game” or “congratulations” reward yourself for trying your hardest Virtue:...
We’re In This Together Boys Town Social Skill: Accepting defeat/loss (Oct. 7 – Oct. 9) look at the person or members of the team who won remain calm and positive say “good game” or “congratulations” reward yourself for trying your hardest Virtue:...
We’re In This Together Boys Town Social Skill: Accepting winning appropriately (Sep. 30 – Oct. 4) Accepting Winning Appropriately: Look at the person or members of the team who lost Remain pleasant but not overtly happy or celebratory congratulate the...
We’re In This Together Boys Town Social Skill: Resisting negative peer pressure (older students)/ accepting winning appropriately (Sep. 23 – 27) Resisting Peer Pressure: Look at the person Use a calm, assertive voice tone State clearly that you do not want to...
We’re In This Together Boys Town Social Skill: Going to an assembly (Sep. 16-20) walk quietly in the hallway sit in your assigned seat (or section) listen attentively clap at an appropriate time, in an appropriate manner wait to be dismissed Virtue: Generosity (Sep....