School News

Recent News Across Our School

NAM News – August 29, 2024

24 – 25 NAM Mission Money: St. Gianna Program 

There will be several times throughout the year, students will be encouraged to make a small monetary or item donation to this year’s mission, St. Gianna Program. The first of these is on Friday, September 20. Students may wear jeans with a NAM or I Love Catholic Schools T-shirt with an encouraged donation of .50 cents. St. Gianna Program Website 

We’re in This Together

Boys Town Social Skill: Getting the teacher’s attention (Sep. 3 – Sep. 6)

  1. look at the teacher
  2. raise your hand calmly
  3. wait to be acknowledged by the teacher
  4. ask questions or make requests in a calm

Virtues: Docility (Aug. 26 – Aug. 30) / Moderation (Sep. 3 – Sep. 6)

Docility – Willingness to be taught 

Moderation – Attention to balance in one’s life

Important Dates

September 2 – No School | Labor Day

September 17 – Health Screening Day

September 19 – Picture Retake Day 

September 20 – 1pm Dismissal | Spirit Day | Before & After School Extended Care available

October 10 – No School | Parent Teacher Conferences 12-7pm 

October 11 – No School 

October 14 – No School | Teacher Institute 

Lunch Information 

Print the lunch menu here!

Please review the below income guidelines. If you believe you may qualify based on the guidelines, please contact the office. The more families that qualify, the more resources we receive from local and federal supports.  Free and Reduced Lunch Forms are due by Tuesday. September 3rd. If your income changes throughout the year, you can request an application at any time

Free and Reduced Income Guidelines

School Activities 

Does your 2nd – 6th grade find adventures while reading?! Our Book Bites Club is waiting for you! Click the link below for more information. 2024 Book Bites Letter

Are you curious? Do you like having fun with hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) activities? Then this club is for you! This will be the first of TWO STEM clubs offered for 3rd-5th grade this semester! The same activities/lessons will be taught for each club though. This exciting club for 3rd-5th graders will focus on many aspects of STEM, from creating ecobots to help clean up a fake environmental spill to building towers to making ice cream and more! The club will be offered through the University of Nebraska 4-H – Extension office. Read more and sign up here!

Community Events 

Father Daughter Day Flyer 2024 – Marian 

No School Day Camp – Genesis Health Clubs

NAM News – August 22, 2024

24 – 25 Theme: Love One Another 

John 15:12-17 This is my commandment: love one another, as I have loved you. No one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do what I command you. I shall no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know the master’s business; I call you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I learnt from my Father. You did not choose me, no, I chose you; and I commissioned you to go out and bear fruit, fruit that will last; so that the Father will give you anything you ask him in my name. My command to you is to love one another.

Call and Response: We will Love one another, as He has loved us. 

“Whenever we encounter another person in love, we learn something new about God.” Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium

We’re In This Together

Boys Town Social Skill: Greeting Others

1. Look at the person 2. Use a pleasant voice tone 3. Offer a verbal greeting

Virtues: Honesty (Aug. 19 – Aug. 23) / Docility (Aug. 26 – Aug. 30)

Honesty – Sincerity. openness. and truthfulness in one’s words and actions

Docility – Willingness to be taught 

Parent Volunteer FormParents, please complete the Volunteer Form if you are interested in volunteering (room parent, athletics, fine arts, etc.) in your child’s classroom or the school this year. room parent, athletics, fine arts, etc.) in your child’s classroom or the school this year. 

Important Dates

August 28 – School Picture Day

September 2 – No School | Labor Day

September 17 – Health Screening Day

September 19 – Picture Retake Day 

September 20 – 1pm Dismissal | Spirit Day | Before & After School Extended Care available

School Activities 

Does your 2nd – 6th grade find adventures while reading?! Our Book Bites Club is waiting for you! Click the link below for more information.

2024 Book Bites Letter


Lunch Information

Print the lunch menu here!

Please review the below income guidelines. If you believe you may qualify based on the guidelines, please contact the office. The more families that qualify, the more resources we receive from local and federal supports.  Free and Reduced Lunch Forms are due by Tuesday. September 3rd. If your income changes throughout the year, you can request an application at any time. 

Free and Reduce Income Guidelines 

Community Events

Father Daughter Day Flyer 2024 – Marian